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10 de marzo de 2025

Elon Musk asestó su segundo gran golpe mientras ocurre otro desastre

 Historia de Samuel O'Brient

Ha sido una semana difícil para Elon Musk por múltiples razones.

Las acciones de Tesla (TSLA) continúan con una tendencia a la baja, ya que la caída de las ventas europeas y los cambios en la confianza de los consumidores nublan las perspectivas de la compañía. El mercado de los vehículos eléctricos (VE) es complicado y la empresa de Musk es cada vez menos dominante.

Mientras tanto, la búsqueda de Musk para hacerse con el control de OpenAI se enfrenta a nuevos obstáculos. Un juez de California rechazó recientemente su solicitud de pausar la transición con fines de lucro de OpenAI, decidiendo dejar que el caso llegue a juicio a finales de este año.

Además, el presidente Donald Trump recientemente dio un paso para frenar el poder de Musk, diciéndoles a los miembros de su gabinete que tenían el poder de hacer recortes de personal, no Musk. Según él, Musk y el llamado Departamento de Eficiencia Gubernamental (DOGE) solo desempeñarán un papel consultivo.

Sin embargo, ayer trajo aún más malas noticias para Musk.

Elon Musk se enfrenta a un nuevo revés respecto a una empresa para la que siempre ha tenido grandes planes. (Foto de Richard Bord/WireImage) Richard Bord/Getty

Una de las empresas de Musk acaba de sufrir un gran revés

Musk might have thought his week couldn’t get any worse after Trump curbed his power. But on March 6, a disaster struck one of his companies and not for the first time, causing instant chaos and impacting other industries in the process.

SpaceX, Musk’s space exploration and technology company, recently launched a massive rocket on a test flight, and it quickly spiraled out of control.

“The SpaceX Starship rocket that Elon Musk is promising to one day bring to Mars exploded eight minutes into its eighth test flight,” reports TheStreet’s Veronika Bondarenko.

This isn’t the first SpaceX flight to experience disaster in mid-air, and it’s not even the first one this year. On January 16, 2025, a starship from Musk’s company exploded during a test flight, forcing the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to halt flights due to falling debris from the rocket temporarily.

Less than three months later, the company experienced a concerningly similar phenomenon, in which another SpaceX starship exploded during a test flight. As with the disastrous January launch, flights had to be diverted due to the incident. Per the Financial Times:

“Eight minutes after the 400ft rocket system launched from the company’s Starbase in Texas, the upper-stage spacecraft’s engines malfunctioned, and the vehicle spun out of control before exploding in the atmosphere above the Caribbean. The lower-stage super heavy booster returned to the launch pad after separation and was caught by mechanical arms.”

In an X post, SpaceX claimed that its team “immediately began coordination with safety officials to implement pre-planned contingency responses.”

However, the FAA has stated that, following the incident, it will still require SpaceX to conduct a mishap investigation into what caused the failure.

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